How to brew the perfect cup of tea every time, whether it is from an infuser in a single cup or from a tea pot, we have got you covered!
Tea pots are a great way to brew the perfect cup of tea. The loose tea leaves have more room for expansion and circulation than any enclosed infuser, allowing the tea leaves to expand and circulate for a full-bodied infused tea.
Step 1
Fill your kettle with fresh cold water and bring to the boil.
Step 2
Pour a little of the hot water into your teapot and swirl to warm it up – this keeps the teapot at the optimum temperature for the tea. Empty the pot.
Step 3
Add your tea leaves – one teaspoon per cup is the rule of thumb. Pour the boiled water onto the tea.
Step 4
Allow to steep for five to eight minutes. Stir, and if your teapot doesn’t have a built-in strainer, use one to pour into your teacup.
The perfect tea accessory that you can take anywhere and brew the perfect cup of your favourite tea.
Step 1
Fill your kettle with fresh cold water and bring to the boil.
Step 2
Fill the bottom half of the infuser with your tea leaves, then connect back together ensuring it is fastened properly.
Step 3
Place infuser filled with your tea leaves into your cup. Pour the boiled water onto your cup.
Step 4
Allow to infuse for two to five minutes. Remove the infuser from the cup and enjoy!
*Please note, some tea infusers have holes that are too big allowing the tea leaves to escape from the infuser. The leaves themselves are harmless, however if you are not wanting floating tea leaves, ensure your infuser has smaller holes.
2. Where does the company operate from?
We operate from Sydney, Australia.
3. Are your products grown in Australia?
The ingredients in our teas are not grown in Australia. On our website, each product has a tab titled “Origin” and this states the countries that supply the ingredients for that product. We always ethically and fairly source our tea and ingredients, and as a result, we always pay a premium for them. Once they arrive in Australia, we blend them and pack them in New South Wales.
4. Where do you source your ingredients?
It depends on the blend and the seasons. As many factors, such as environmental and economic changes can affect our raw ingredients, the plantations and countries can change from season to season. Each blend has an “Origin” tab, which lists the countries from which we source the ingredients in that particular blend.